Reggio Childhood Studies – From early childhood to lifelong learning

PhD course of the Department of Education and Human Sciences and Fondazione Reggio Children – Centro Loris Malaguzzi

Course description

4 November 2019, Kick off of the PhD course in Reggio Childhood Studies 35th cycle

With this international industrial PhD, the Department of Education and Human Sciences of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Fondazione Reggio Children-Centro Loris Malaguzziaim to offer an opportunity that is enhanced by high quality research international partners. It is developed within the “industrial” framework of the Foundation so as to build a research library that elaborates the experience and faces the new challenges of education.

The approach and contents, practice and policies, figures and intuition, challenges and developments of what revolves around the educational philosophy related to early childhood developed in Reggio Emilia are a heritage of great international relevance. The international PhD in Reggio Childhood Studies is also proposed as an innovation in the framework of PhD courses because it builds up a residential community where all participants share spaces and working hours in the industrial context chosen as container and content of the programme.

Job and professional opportunities

The methodological approaches, scientific knowledge, skills and competences of the RCS and its national and international institutional network prepare for the following professional profiles and opportunities.

1) Professional reference figures in the design, organisation and coordination of educational services in the public and private sectors, both for early childhood and for the subsequent stages of education;

2) consultants, advisers and trainers in management, guidance, support and monitoring bodies in both the public and private sectors;

3) researchers, trainers and evaluators in public and private, national and international research bodies, centres and projects promoting the Reggio Emilia approach, especially for the pedagogical, psycho-pedagogical and philosophical agendas;

4) researchers in the new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to learning, in its pedagogical, epistemological, ethical and social dimensions.


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